Chevron Updates — The Villification, Demonization of the Jews of Chevron, Yehuda and The Shomron continues …


We have to come to grips with the fact that Chevron is ours, period! And Olmert is trying to Out-Sharon Sharon to prove himself to the left. This author holds that Olmert is only concerned about Olmert — whatever it takes for power, his Jewish brothers and the land of Israel, Israeli Security, perhaps even manhood, self-pride and esteem as a Jew are expedient in his lust and hunger for power. With all due respect, this author finds him totally lacking any Jewish heart or sensitivity.

Understand that this author has great difficulty separating or compartmentalizing away from the hurt on multiple levels. A Jew feeling for his brother as he would want for himself, must take events personally as if having lived in Gush Katif or in Chevron, and can’t just go on as if nothing happened or is happening. And so, this is not an easy time — a very hard time in fact.

And sometimes, maybe often, this author holds that we have to call a spade, a spade, call it like it is — not soft-pedal our words so that we hope that the left, or the otherwise namby-pamby will feel warm and fuzzy about us, because they won’t. They’ll just hate and show more disdain for us. That’s what Kfar Maimon and the other Yesha-led “Hafganot” traps showed conclusively.

Also, whatever cruelty the goyim do to us, there is a citing in a Torah Commentary which says, in essence that Jews who want to hurt other Jews know how to do so in ways Goyim can’t fathom. And so apparently, ergo analogies to the Holacaust.

The problem is that the Jews let themselves be led by Yesha Kappos who entrapped them at Kfar Maimon and at the other events in the days leading up to the expulsion. And the larger segment of the religious community couldn’t spare the time out of their life-as-usual” lives (even in Vacation season) to lift a finger to help. .

And on Tuesday, while among the 50 or 60 standing in front of the Beit Shemesh Courthouse awaiting the results of the Shlissel’s hearing regarding a restraining order against the regime and the army (Can we even bear to call them IDF or Chayalim — they no longer act like a Jewish army), a guy walked past this author saying “Kol HaKavod, Kol HaKavod.” Asking this guy, S, join us, please. He says, “I have to work.” When asked again, he again respond, “I can’t, I have to work.”

So it seems that we leave it for the next guy? The problem is that the vast majority in Israel is full of excuses as he leaves it “for the next guy.” Where’s the fire in the belly? Where’s the Jewish manhood? Where’s the Jewish pride and dignity?

Why did the Ukrainians win? Because millions were out in the streets 24/7 until the corrupt leaders who poisoned and scarred their opponent were defeated. Israelis don’t want it bad enough!

It all hurts hurts like heck. It feels like this summer all over again in the cold of winter. MB

[Refuse to be Suckers?]Hebron Settlers Refusing IDF Compromise Deal


“IMRA: After the media and others devoted the last days to leaving the
impression that enforcement of the law required handing over Jewish property in the Hebron market to Arabs, the true legal situation: that legal authorities recognize that Jews have the right to live in the Jewish property. To an outsider the proposal that the Jews now in the property leave and that others move in ‘in a few months’ may sound reasonable. But anyone following the Israeli scene knows that the moment there are no Jews in the buildings security officials can decide that ‘for security reasons it is not possible for Jews to move into the empty buildings at this time’. And it will be impossible to effectively challenge such a move in the courts as the courts (with the exception of rulings on the separation fence) consistently take the position that security considerations take precedent over Israeli property and other rights.

Reports Loosely Translated from Hebrew;

Security Forces Deploy Blockades at Entrances to Jewish Neighborhoods in Chevron


“Security forces are now deploying blockades at the entrances to the Jewish neighborhoods in Hevron and are checking all civillian traffic. This is to prevent non-
residents (especially youth) from entering in order to protest the coming eviction. The IDF says that Maarat HaMachpela will be accessible as usual.”

11 Jews Arrested so far in Hevron

Near-Kidnapping of a Youth in Kiryat Arba

Tense Quiet in Hevron, Now the Stories Come Out


“By order of Attorney General Menachem Mazuz, the army and police are in fact set to throw 11 families out of their homes in Jewish-owned land in the ancient Jewish Quarter of Hevron. One of those families, the Shlissels, has turned to the Beit Shemesh Magistrates Court, demanding – and receiving – a temporary stay. The Shlissels maintains that a family that is about to be thrown out of its home deserves a legal hearing – and that, contrary to popular perception, this has not been done.”

“Police harassment of Jews in Hevron is not a new phenomenon. Long-time residents David Shirel and Shani Horowitz tell their harrowing stories of the past two days.”

“With police and army forces walking freely around buildings and onto private porches and roofs, the feeling in Hevron is that the unrest of the past few days is not yet over. ‘I just had a few moments of great tension,’ one resident told Arutz-7 at around 5 PM today, ‘when a rumor went around that it’s about to happen – the police are coming to take us and throw us out. But then we heard that it wasn’t true, so we have another short respite…'”

Biased TV Journalism in Reporting on Chevron

“Israeli television Channels 1 and 2 probably breached journalistic ethics in their reports on the Jews of Hevron tonight. They broadcast police material from Hevron, filmed and edited, but without the reaction of the Hevron spokespeople or that of the lawyers of the people filmed.”

From complaints received in Arutz 7, it turns out that the material handed over to the police reporters, Moshe Nussbaum and Uri Cohen-Aharonov, from the police, was broadcast without bringing the response of the spokespeople, as is required by the rules of ethics. Noam Arnon, Spokesman of the Jewish settlement in Hevron, noted that even ordinary criminals are subject to a more decent treatment in these channels, and that lawyers are asked to comment any time the police has any claims against their clients.

“A source in Hevron claimed that the condition for turning over the footage to the reporters was that no response on behalf of the settlers would be given.”
